
Teaching Philosophy

I believe everyone, student participants and instructors, are equals. Equity and justice are paramount. No one person is or may act as if he/she/they is/are better than or elevated above any other person. Everyone will be treated as such with the utmost respect. This means that everyone’s opinions will be heard and valued. Though questioning of ideas is welcomed and encouraged, it will not be done at the emotional expense of others. Empathy will be practiced daily when dealing with others. All privilege and entitlement will be checked and examined as a group. These are achieved through many ways that will be defined as a group through the creation of a Community Agreement.

I aim to make the class is a safe space, literally in the physical sense and the emotional sense, both in and out of the physical space of the classroom. Everyone will act in a way that ensures personal safety. This does not restrict the fun that will occur, it actually nurtures it.

I value the community formed in the classroom. Collaboration amongst students is assumed as filmmaking/mediamaking is a collaborative art. While learning and understanding media literacy is personal, I encourage all to work together through that journey. Finding commonality, connection and community is prioritized.

I will ask questions, will challenge and not just spout out answers. I will lead student participants to look into themselves for answers; help foster educational independence. I will develop tools and skills to help student participants grow professionally while providing materials, opportunities and honest feedback. I will lead by example both in and out of the class and will continue to strengthen my own mediamaking skills and knowledge to guarantee the best training.

Trust, honesty and an open heart and mind will be of great importance. Mistakes will be made as true learning occurs after mistakes. Any error will be encouraged to be admitted to without exhaustive emotional stress. Acceptance and commitment to self and others is expected. I make sure that the class feels like an opportunity, not an obligation and aim for the students to treat it as such.

Places taught

Bay Area Video Coalition

Travis High School (For the Austin Film Society)

Eastside Memorial High School (For the Austin Film Society)

Mendez Middle School (For the Austin Film Society)

Garcia Middle School (For the Austin Film Society)

Griffin School

University of Texas at Austin

Femme Film Texas


Students' work examples